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146. "Photoinduced twist and untwist of moiré superlattices in TMDC heterobilayers," C.J.R. Duncan, A.C. Johnson, I. Maity, A. Rubio, M. Gordon, A.C. Bartnik, M. Kaemingk, W.H. Li, M.B. Andorf, C.A. Pennington, I.V. Bazarov, M.W. Tate, D.A. Muller, J. Thom-Levy, S.M. Gruner, A.M. Lindenberg, F. Liu, J.M. Maxson, (submitted) arXiv:2502.11452 (2025).

145. "Analysis methodology of coherent oscillations in time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy", N. Gauthier, H. Soifer, J.A. Sobota, H. Pfau, E.J. Sie, A.M. Lindenberg, Z-X Shen, Patrick S. Kirchmann, Review of Scientific Instruments (in press) (2025).

144. "Hidden domain boundary dynamics towards crystalline perfection," A. Mangu, V.A. Stoica, H. Zheng, T. Yang, M. Zhang, H. Wang, Q.L. Nguyen, S. Song, S. Das, P. Meisenheimer, E. Donoway, M. Chollet, Y. Sun, J.J. Turner, J.W. Freeland, H. Wen, L.W. Martin, L.-Q. Chen, V. Gopalan, D. Zhu, Y. Cao, A.M. Lindenberg. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 122, e2407772122 (2025). 

143. "Phase Segregation Dynamics in Mixed-Halide Perovskites Revealed by Plunge-Freeze Cryogenic Electron Microscopy", Qingyuan Fan, Yi Cui, Yanbin Li, Julian A. Vigil, Zhiqiao Jiang, Partha Nandi, Robert Colby, Chensong Zhang, Yi Cui, Hemamala Karunadasa, Aaron Lindenberg, (submitted), arXiv:2412.13004 (2024).

142. "Electrochemical Control of the Ultrafast Lattice Response of a Layered Semimetal," Felipe A. de Quesada, Philipp K. Muscher, Eliana S. Krakovsky, Aditya Sood, Andrey D. Poletayev, Edbert J. Sie, Clara M. Nyby, Sara J. Irvine, Marc E. Zajac, Duan Luo, Xiaozhe Shen, Matthias C. Hoffmann, Patrick L. Kramer , R. Joel England, Alexander H. Reid, Stephen P. Weathersby, Leora E. Dresselhaus-Marais., Daniel A. Rehn, William C. Chueh, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Advanced Science, 12, 2411344 (2025).

141. "Nonresonant Raman control of material phases," Jiaojian Shi,  Christian Heide, Haowei Xu, Yijing Huang, Yuejun Shen, Burak Guzelturk, Meredith Henstridge, Carl Friedrich Sch¨on, Anudeep Mangu, Yuki Kobayashi, Xinyue Peng, Shangjie Zhang, Andrew F. May, Pooja Donthi Reddy, Viktoryia Shautsova, Mohammad Taghinejad, Duan Luo, Eamonn Hughes, Mark L. Brongersma, Kunal Mukherjee, Mariano Trigo, Tony F. Heinz, Ju Li, Keith A. Nelson, Edoardo Baldini, Jian Zhou, Shambhu Ghimire, Matthias Wuttig, David A. Reis, Aaron M. Lindenberg. (submitted) arXiv:2411.10131 (2024).

140. "Colossal Strain Tuning of Ferroelectric Transitions in KNbO3 Thin Films," Sankalpa Hazra, Tobias Schwaigert, Aiden Ross, Haidong Lu, Utkarsh Saha, Victor Trinquet, Betul Akkopru-Akgun, Benjamin Z. Gregory, Anudeep Mangu, Suchismita Sarker, Tatiana Kuznetsova, Saugata Sarker, Xin Li, Matthew R. Barone, Xiaoshan Xu, John W. Freeland, Roman Engel-Herbert, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Andrej Singer, Susan Trolier-McKinstry, David A. Muller, Gian-Marco Rignanese, Salva Salmani-Rezaie, Vladmir A. Stoica, Alexei Gruverman, Long-Qing Chen, Darrell G. Schlom, and Venkatraman Gopalan, Advanced Materials 36, 2406684 (2024).

139. "Ultrafast symmetry control in photoexcited quantum dots," B. Guzelturk, J. Portner, J. Ondry, S. Ghanbarzadeh, M. Tarantola, A. Jeong, T. Field, A. M. Chandler, E. Wieman, T. R. Hopper, N. E. Watkins, J. Yue, X. Cheng, M.-F. Lin, D. Luo, P. L. Kramer, X. Shen, A. H. Reid, O. Borkiewicz, U. Ruett, X. Zhang, A. M. Lindenberg, J. Ma, R. Schaller, D. V. Talapin, B. L. Cotts, Advanced Materials 37, 2414196 (2025).

138. "On ultrafast x-ray scattering methods for magnetism," R. Plumley, S. R. Chitturi, C. Peng, T. A. Assefa, N. Burdet, L. Shen, Z. Chen, A. H. Reid, G. L. Dakovski, M. H. Seaberg, F. O’Dowd, S. A. Montoya, H. Chen, A. Okullo, S. Mardanya, S. D. Kevan, P. Fischer, E. E. Fullerton, S. K. Sinha, W. Colocho, A. Lutman, F.-J. Decker, S. Roy, J.Fujioka, Y. Tokura, M. P. Minitti, J. A. Johnson,  M. Hoffmann, M. E. Amoo, A. Feiguin, C. Yoon, J. Thayer, Y. Nashed, C. Jia, A. Bansil, S. Chowdhury, A. M. Lindenberg,  M. Dunne, E.Blackburn, and J. J. Turner, Advances in Physics: X, 9, 1 (2024).

137. "Roadmap on low power electronics," Ramamoorthy Ramesh, Sayeef Salahuddin Suman Datta; Carlos H. Diaz, Dmitri E. Nikonov, Ian A. Young, Donhee Ham, Meng-Fan Chang, Win-San Khwa, Ashwin Sanjay Lele, Christian Binek, Yen-Lin Huang, Yuan-Chen Sun, Ying-Hao Chu, Bhagwati Prasad, Michael Hoffmann, Jia-Mian Hu, Zhi (Jackie) Yao, Laurent Bellaiche, Peng Wu, Jun Cai, Joerg Appenzeller, Supriyo Datta, Kerem Y. Camsari, Jaesuk Kwon, Jean Anne C. Incorvia, Inge Asselberghs, Florin Ciubotaru, Sebastien Couet, Christoph Adelmann, Yi Zheng, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Paul G. Evans, Peter Ercius, Iuliana P. Radu, APL Materials 12, 099201 (2024).

136. "Giant Terahertz Birefringence in an Ultrathin Anisotropic Semimetal," Edbert J. Sie, Mohamed A. K. Othman, Clara M. Nyby, Das Pemmaraju, Christina A. C. Garcia, Yaxian Wang, Burak Guzelturk, Chenyi Xia, Jun Xiao, Andrey Poletayev, B. K. Ofori-Okai, Matthias C. Hoffmann, Suji Park, Xiaozhe Shen, Jie Yang, Renkai Li, Alexander H. Reid, Stephen Weathersby, Philipp Muscher, Nathan Finney, Daniel Rhodes, Luis Balicas, Emilio Nanni, James Hone, William Chueh, Thomas P. Devereaux, Prineha Narang, Tony F. Heinz, Xijie Wang, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Nano Letters, 24, 6031 (2024).  SLAC News release: Light twisting behavior in an ultrathin material.

135. "Non-equilibrium pathways to emergent polar supertextures," V.A. Stoica, T. Yang, S. Das, Y. Cao, H. Wang, Y. Kubota, C. Dai, H. Padmanabhan, Y. Sato, A. Mangu, Q.L. Nguyen, Z. Zhang, D. Talreja, M.E. Zajac, D.A. Walko, A.D. DiChiara, S. Owada, K. Miyanishi, K. Tamasaku, T. Sato, J.M. Glownia, V. Esposito, S. Nelson, M.C. Hoffmann, R.D. Schaller, A.M. Lindenberg, L.W. Martin, R. Ramesh, I. Matsuda, D. Zhu, L.-Q. Chen, H. Wen, V. Gopalan, J.W. Freeland, Nature Materials 23, 1394 (2024). Nature Materials Research Briefing: "Tracking the irreversible light-induced creation of extended polar order from disorder".


134. "The persistence of memory in ionic conduction probed by nonlinear optics,"  Andrey D. Poletayev, Matthias C. Hoffmann, James A. Dawson, Samuel W. Teitelbaum, Mariano Trigo, M. Saiful Islam, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Nature, 626, 691 (2024). SLAC News Release: "A battery's hopping ions remember where they've been."

133. "Solution-phase single-particle spectroscopy for probing multi-polaronic dynamics in quantum emitters at femtosecond resolution," Jiaojian Shi, Yuejun Shen, Feng Pan, Weiwei Sun, Anudeep Mangu, Cindy Shi, Amy McKeown-Green, Parivash Moradifar, Moungi G. Bawendi, William E. Moerner, Jennifer A. Dionne, Fang Liu, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Nature Materials 23, 1063 (2024). 

132. "Hidden phonon highways promote photoinduced interlayer energy transfer in twisted transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures," Amalya C. Johnson, Johnathan D. Georgaras, Xiaozhe Shen, Helen Yao, Ashley P. Saunders, Helen J. Zeng, Hyungjin Kim, Aditya Sood, Tony F. Heinz, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Duan Luo, Felipe H. da Jornada, and Fang Liu, Science Advances 10, eadj8819 (2024). 


131. "Coupling to octahedral tilts in halide-perovskite nanocrystals induces phonon-mediated attractive interactions between excitons," Nuri Yazdani, Maryna I. Bodnarchuk, Federica Bertolotti Norberto Masciocchi, Ina Fureraj, Burak Guzelturk, Benjamin L. Cotts, Marc Zajac, Gabriele Raino, Maximilian Jansen, Simon C. Boehme, Maksym Yarema, Ming-Fu Lin, Michael Kozina, Alexander Reid, Xiaozhe Shen, Stephen Weathersby, Xijie Wang, Eric Vauthey, Antonietta Guagliardi, Maksym V. Kovalenko, Vanessa Wood, Aaron Lindenberg, Nature Physics 20, 47 (2024). ETH News Release: "Watching electrons at work."

130. "3D Heisenberg universality in the Van der Waals antiferromagnet NiPS3", Rajan Plumley, Sougata Mardanya, Cheng Peng, Johannes Nokelainen, Tadesse Assefa, Lingjia Shen, Nicholas Burdet, Zach Porter, Alexander Petsch, Aidan Israelski, Hongwei Chen, Jun Sik Lee, Sophie Morley, Sujoy Roy, Gilberto Fabbris, Elizabeth Blackburn, Adrian Feiguin, Arun Bansil, Wei-Sheng Lee, Aaron Lindenberg, Sugata Chowdhury, Mike Dunne, Joshua J. Turner, npj Quantum Materials (2024) (in press). 

129. "Determining Hot Carrier Transport Dynamics from Terahertz Emission", M. Taghinejad, C. Xia, M. Hrton, K. Lee, A.S. Kim, Q. Li, B. Guzelturk, R. Kalousek, F. Xu, W. Cai, A.M. Lindenberg, M.L. Brongersma, Science, 382, 299 (2023). Science Perspective: "Tracking light-induced charge transport". 


128. "Subnanosecond reconfiguration of ferroelectric domains in bismuth ferrite", Burak Guzelturk, Tiannan Yang, Yu-Chen Liu, Chia-Chun Wei, Gal Orenstein, Mariano Trigo, Tao Zhou, Martin V. Holt, Haidan Wen, Long-Qing Chen, Jan-Chi Yang, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Advanced Materials, 35, 2306029 (2023).


127. "Ultrafast wavefront shaping via space-time refraction", Qingyuan Fan, Amr Shaltout, Jorik van de Groep, Mark Brongersma, Aaron M. Lindenberg, ACS Photonics 10, 2467 (2023). 



126. "Giant room-temperature nonlinearities from a monolayer Janus topological semiconductor", Jiaojian Shi, Haowei Xu, Christian Heide, Changan HuangFu, Chenyi Xia, Felipe de Quesada, Hongzhi Shen, Tianyi Zhang, Leo Yu, Amalya Johnson, Fang Liu, Enzheng Shi, Liying Jiao, Tony Heinz, Shambhu Ghimire, Ju Li, Jing Kong, Yunfan Guo, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Nature Communications, 14, 4953 (2023). 

125. "Pulsed Laser Ejection of Single-Crystalline III-V Solar Cells From GaAs Substrates", Benjamin A. Reeves, Myles A. Steiner, Thomas E. Carver, Ze Zhang, Aaron M. Lindenberg, and Bruce M. Clemens, Cell Reports Physical Science, 4, 101449 (2023). 

124. "Multi-scale time-resolved electron diffraction: a case study in moiré materials", C. J. R. Duncan, M. Kaemingk, W. H. Li, M. B. Andorf, A. C. Bartnik, A. Galdi, M. Gordon, C. A. Pennington, I. V. Bazarov, H. J. Zeng, F. Liu, D. Luo, A. Sood, A. M. Lindenberg, M. W. Tate, D. A. Muller, J. Thom-Levy, S. M. Gruner, J. M. Maxson. Ultramicroscopy 253, 113771 (2023). 

123. "Understanding and controlling photothermal responses in MXenes", B. Guzelturk, V. Kamysbayev, D. Wang, H. Hu, R. Li, S. King, A. Reid, M.F. Lin, X. Wang, D. Walko, X. Zhang, A. Lindenberg, D. Talapin, Nano Letters, 23, 2677 (2023). 

122. "Ultrafast optomechanical strain in two-dimensional GeS", D. Luo, B. Zhang, E. Sie, C. Nyby, Q. Fan, X. Shen, A. Reid, M. Hoffmann, S. Weathersby, J. Wen, X. Qian, X. Wang, A. Lindenberg, Nano Letters 23, 2287 (2023).


121. "Nonthermal bonding origin of a novel photoexcited lattice instability in SnSe", Yijing Huang, Samuel Teitelbaum, Shan Yang, Takahiro Sato Matthieu Chollet, Diling Zhu, Jennifer L Niedziela, Dipanshu Bansal, Andrew F May, Aaron M Lindenberg, Olivier Delaire, Mariano Trigo, David A Reis, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 156902 (2023). 

120. "Ultrafast quantum dynamics driven by the strong space charge field of a relativistic electron beam", D. Cesar, A. Acharya, J.P. Cryan, A. Kartsev, M.F. Kling, A.M. Lindenberg, C.D. Pemmaraju, A.D. Poletayev, V.S. Yakovlev, A. Marinelli, Optica 10, 1 (2023). Link.

119. "Bidirectional phonon emission in two-dimensional heterostructures triggered by ultrafast charge transfer", A. Sood, J.B. Haber, J. Carlstrom, E.A. Peterson, E Barre, J. D. Georgaras, A.H.M. Reid, X. Shen, M. Zajac, E.C. Regan, J. Yang, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, F. Wang, X. Wang, J.B. Neaton, T.F. Heinz, A.M. Lindenberg, F.H. da Jornada, A. Raja, Nature Nanotechnology, 18, 29 (2023). LBNL press release: "Electronic bridge allows rapid energy sharing between semiconductors."  DOE Basic Energy Sciences Highlight: "New mechanism explains rapid energy sharing across atomic semiconductor junctions".

118. "Accelerating quantum materials development with advances in transmission electron microscopy", P. Moradifar, Y. Liu, J. Shi, M. Thurston, H. Utzat, T. B. van Driel, A.M. Lindenberg, J.A. Dionne, Chemical Reviews (2023). 

117. "Light-driven ultrafast polarization manipulation in a relaxor ferroelectric", Suji Park, Bo Wang, Tiannan Yang, Jieun Kim, Sahar Saremi, Wenbo Zhao, Burak Guzelturk, Aditya Sood, Clara Nyby, Marc Zajac, Xiaozhe Shen, Michael Kozina, Alexander H. Reid, Stephen Weathersby, Xijie Wang, Lane W. Martin, Long-Qing Chen, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Nano Letters, 22, 9275 (2022). DOE Highlight: "Light makes special materials move at ultrafast speeds."  

116. "Testing the data framework for an AI algorithm in preparation for high data rate X-ray facilities", Hongwei Chen, Sathya R. Chitturi, Rajan Plumley, Lingjia Shen, Nathan C. Drucker, Nicolas Burdet, Cheng Peng, Sougata Mardanya, Daniel Ratner, Aashwin Mishra, Chun Hong Yoon, Sanghoon Song, Matthieu Chollet, Gilberto Fabbris, Mike Dunne, Silke Nelson, Mingda Li, Aaron Lindenberg, Chunjing Jia, Youssef Nashed, Arun Bansil, Sugata Chowdhury, Adrian E. Feiguin, Joshua J. Turner, Jana B. Thayer. arXiv.2210.10137 (2022).

115. "Thickness and twist angle dependent interlayer excitons in metal monochalcogenide heterostructures," W. Zheng, L. Xiang, F. de Quesada, M. Augustin, Z. Lu, M. Wilson, A. Sood, F. Wu, D. Shcherbakov, S. Memaran, R. Baumbach, G. McCandless, J. Chan, S. Liu, J. Edgar, C.N. Lau, C.H. Lui, E. Santos, A.M. Lindenberg, D. Smirnov, L. Balicas, ACS Nano 16, 18695 (2022).

114. "A room-temperature polarization sensitive CMOS terahertz camera based on quantum-dot-enhanced terahertz-to-visible photon upconversion," Jiaojian Shi, Daehan Yoo, Ferran Vidal-Codina, Chan-Wook Baik, Kyung-Sang Cho, Ngoc-Cuong Nguyen, Hendrik Utzat, Jinchi Han, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Vladimir Bulovic , Moungi G. Bawendi, Jaime Peraire, Sang-Hyun Oh, Keith A. Nelson, Nature Nanotechnology, 17, 1288 (2022). Nature Nanotechnology Research briefing: "Using quantum dots to produce a CMOS terahertz camera and polarimeter."

113. "Large Exchange Coupling Between Localized Spins and Topological Bands in MnBi2Te4", Hari Padmanabhan, Vladimir A. Stoica, Peter K. Kim, Maxwell Poore, Tiannan Yang, Xiaozhe Shen, Alexander H. Reid, Ming-Fu Lin, Suji Park, Jie Yang, Huaiyu (Hugo) Wang, Nathan Z. Koocher, Danilo Puggioni, Alexandru B. Georgescu, Lujin Min, Seng Huat Lee, Zhiqiang Mao, James M. Rondinelli, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Long-Qing Chen, Xijie Wang, Richard D. Averitt, John W. Freeland, and Venkatraman Gopalan, Advanced Materials 34, 2202841 (2022).

112. "Non-Equilibrium Lattice Dynamics in Photo-Excited Two-Dimensional Perovskites", Shelby A. Cuthriell, Shobhana Panuganti, Craig C. Laing, Michael A. Quintero, Burak Guzelturk, Nuri Yazdani, Boubacar Traore, Alexandra Brumberg, Christos D. Malliakas, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Vanessa Wood, Claudine Katan, Jacky Even, Xiaoyi Zhang, Mercouri G. Kanatzidis, Richard D. Schaller, Advanced Materials 34, 2202709 (2022).

111. "Defect-Driven Anomalous Transport in Fast-Ion Conducting Solid Electrolytes", Andrey Poletayev, James Dawson, Saiful Islam, Aaron Lindenberg. Nature Materials, 21, 1066 (2022). 

110. "Laser-induced patterning for a diffraction grating using the phase change material of Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) for spatial light modulator in X-ray optics: a proof of concept," J. Park, P. Zalden,, E. Ng, S. Johnston, S.W. Fong, C. Chang, C.J. Tassone, D. Van Campen, W. Mok, H. Mabuchi, H.-S.P. Wong, Z.X. Shen, A.M. Lindenberg, A. Sakdinawat, Optical Materials Express 12, 1408 (2022). 

109. "Observation of a novel lattice instability in ultrafast photoexcited SnSe", Yijing Huang, Shan Yang, Samuel Teitelbaum, Gilberto De la Pena, Takahiro Sato, Matthieu Chollet, Diling Zhu, Jennifer L. Niedziela, Dipanshu Bansal, Andrew F. May, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Olivier Delaire, David A. Reis, and Mariano Trigo. Phys. Rev. X 12, 011029 (2022). 

108. "Observation of photo-induced plasmon-phonon coupling in PbTe via ultrafast x-ray scattering", M.P. Jiang, S. Fahy, A. Hauber, É.D. Murray, I. Savić, C. Bray, J. N. Clark, T. Henighan, M. Kozina, A.M. Lindenberg, P. Zalden, M. Chollet, J.M. Glownia, M.C. Hoffmann, T. Sato, D. Zhu, O. Delaire, A.F. May, B.C. Sales, R. Merlin, M. Trigo, and D.A. Reis, Structural Dynamics 9, 024301 (2022).

107. "Interlayer magnetophononic coupling in MnBi2Te4", Hari Padmanabhan, Maxwell Poore, Peter Kim, Nathan Z. Koocher, Vladimir A. Stoica, Danilo Puggioni, Huaiyu Wang, Xiaozhe Shen, Alexander H. Reid, Mingqiang Gu, Maxwell Wetherington, Seng Huat Lee, Richard Schaller, Zhiqiang Mao, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Xijie Wang, James M. Rondinelli, Richard Averitt, Venkatraman Gopalan, Nature Communications 13, 1929 (2022).

106. "Dynamically Tunable Terahertz Emission Enabled by Anomalous Optical Phonon Responses in Lead Telluride", Burak Guzelturk, Mariano Trigo, Olivier Delaire, David Reis, and Aaron Lindenberg, ACS Photonics, 8, 3633 (2021).

105. "Steam-created grain boundaries for methane C–H activation in palladium catalysts", Weixin Huang, Aaron C. Johnston-Peck, Trenton Wolter, Wei-Chang D. Yang, Lang Xu, Jinwon Oh, Benjamin A. Reeves, Chengshuang Zhou, Megan E. Holtz, Andrew A. Herzing, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Manos Mavrikakis, Matteo Cargnello, Science 373, 1518 (2021).

104. "Twist-angle-dependent ultrafast charge transfer in MoS2-graphene van der Waals heterostructures", D. Luo, J. Tang, X. Shen, F. Ji, J. Yang, S. Weathersby, M. Kozina, Z. Chen, J. Xiao, Y. Ye, T. Cao, G. Zhang, X. Wang, A.M. Lindenberg, Nano Lett. 21, 8051 (2021). 

103. "Direct Observation of Ultrafast Hydrogen Bond Strengthening in Liquid Water", Jie Yang, Riccardo Dettori, J. Pedro F. Nunes, Nanna H. List, Elisa Biasin, Martin Centurion, Zhijiang Chen, Amy A. Cordones, Daniel P. Deponte, Tony F. Heinz, Michael E. Kozina, Kathryn Ledbetter, Ming-Fu Lin, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Mianzhen Mo, Anders Nilsson, Xiaozhe Shen, Thomas J. A. Wolf, Davide Donadio, Kelly J. Gaffney, Todd J. Martinez, Xijie Wang. Nature 596, 531 (2021).  SLAC Press Release: "In a first, scientists capture a ‘quantum tug’ between neighboring water molecules". 


102. "INQ, a modern GPU-accelerated computational framework for (time-dependent) density functional theory", Xavier Andrade, Chaitanya Das Pemmaraju, Alexey Kartsev, Jun Xiao, Aaron Lindenberg, Sangeeta Rajpurohit, Liang Z. Tan, Tadashi Ogitsu, and Alfredo A. Correa, J. Chem. Theory Comput. (2021). 

101. "Highly-efficient uniaxial in-plane stretching of a 2D material via ion insertion", P. Muscher, D. Rehn, A. Sood, K. Lim, D. Luo, X. Shen, M. Zajac, F. Lu, A. Mehta, Y. Li, X. Wang, E.J. Reed, W.C. Chueh, A.M. Lindenberg. Advanced Materials, 2101875 (2021).

100. "Dynamic structural views of energy conversion processes in solar energy materials by femtosecond electron diffraction," B. Guzelturk and A.M. Lindenberg, MRS Bulletin 46, 1, (2021). 

99. "Nanoscale Disorder Generates Subdiffusive Heat Transport in Self-Assembled Nanocrystal Films," James Utterback, Aditya Sood, Igor Coropceanu, Burak Guzelturk, Dmitri Talapin, Aaron Lindenberg, Naomi Ginsberg, Nano Letters 21, 3540 (2021).

98. "Universal phase dynamics in VO2 switches revealed by ultrafast operando diffraction", Aditya Sood, Xiaozhe Shen, Yin Shi, Suhas Kumar, Su Ji Park, Marc Zajac, Yifei Sun, Long-Qing Chen, Shriram Ramanathan, Xijie Wang, William C. Chueh, Aaron M. Lindenberg. Science 373, 352 (2021). SLAC Highlight: "Scientists take first snapshots of ultrafast switching in a quantum electronic device." IEEE Spectrum Highlight: "Insulator-Conductor Transition Points Toward Ultra-Efficient Computing." Physics World Highlight: "Stop-motion movie of atoms reveals short-lived state in nanoscale switch." DOE Highlight: "First Atomic View of a Quantum Electronic Device in Operation." 

 97. "Subterahertz collective dynamics of polar vortices", Qian Li, Vladimir A. Stoica, Marek Paściak, Yi Zhu, Yakun Yuan, Tiannan Yang, Margaret R. McCarter, Sujit Das, Ajay K. Yadav, Suji Park, Cheng Dai, Hyeon Jun Lee, Youngjun Ahn, Samuel D. Marks, Shukai Yu, Christelle Kadlec, Takahiro Sato, Matthias C. Hoffmann, Matthieu Chollet, Michael E. Kozina, Silke Nelson, Diling Zhu, Donald A. Walko, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Paul G. Evans, Long-Qing Chen, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, Lane W. Martin, Venkatraman Gopalan, John W. Freeland, Jirka Hlinka, Haidan Wen, Nature 592, 376 (2021). (cover article). News and views: "Dynamics of polarization vortices revealed in a ferroelectric material." Argonne/SLAC press release: "New research uncovers mysteries behind little swirling groups of atoms." 

96. "Dynamic lattice distortions driven by surface trapping in semiconductor nanocrystals", Burak Guzelturk, Benjamin L. Cotts, Dipti Jasrasaria, John P. Philbin, David A. Hanifi, Brent A. Koscher, Arunima D. Balan, Ethan Curling, Marc Zajac, Suji Park, Nuri Yazdani, Clara Nyby, Vladislav Kamysbayev, Stefan Fischer, Zach Nett, Xiaozhe Shen, Michael E. Kozina, Ming- Fu Lin, Alexander H. Reid, Stephen P. Weathersby, Richard D. Schaller, Vanessa Wood, Xijie Wang, Jennifer A. Dionne, Dmitri V. Talapin, A. Paul Alivisatos, Alberto Salleo, Eran Rabani, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Nature Communications, 12:1860 (2021). SLAC Highlight: "Scientists uncover a process that stands in the way of making quantum dots brighter."  Physics World article: "Fast electrons catch badly behaved quantum dots in the act.

95. "Electrochemical ion insertion from the atomic to the device scale", Aditya Sood, Andrey D. Poletayev, Daniel A. Cogswell, Peter M. Csernica, J. Tyler Mefford, Dimitrios Fraggedakis, Michael F. Toney, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Martin Z. Bazant, and William C. Chueh, Nature Reviews Materials, 6, 847 (2021).

94. "Carrier-specific dynamics in 2H-MoTe2 observed by femtosecond soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy using an X-ray free-electron laser," Alexander Britz, Andrew Attar, Xiang Zhang, Hung-Tzu Chang, Clara Nyby, Aravind Krishnamoorthy, Sang Han Park, Soonnam Kwon, Minseok Kim, Dennis Nordlund, Sami Sainio, Tony Heinz, Stephen R. Leone, Aaron Lindenberg, Aiichiro Nakano, Pulickel Ajayan, Priya Vashishta, David Fritz, Ming-Fu Lin, Uwe Bergmann, Structural Dynamics 8, 014501 (2021). 

93. "Visualization of Dynamic Polaronic Strain Fields in Hybrid Lead Halide Perovskites", B. Guzelturk, T. Winkler, T. Van de Goor, M. D. Smith, S. A. Bourelle, S. Feldmann, M. Trigo, S. Teitelbaum, H-G. Steinrück, G. A. de la Pena, R. Alonso-Mori, D. Zhu, T. Sato, H. I. Karunadasa, M. F. Toney, F. Deschler, A. M. Lindenberg, Nature Materials 20, 618 (2021). 

92."Acceleration of Crystallization Kinetics in Ge-Sb-Te-based Phase-Change Materials by Substitution of Ge by Sn", Peter Zalden, Christine Koch, Melf Paulsen, Marco Esters, David C. Johnson, Matthias Wuttig, Aaron M. Lindenberg,and Wolfgang Bensch, Advanced Functional Materials 31 2004803 (2021). 

91. "Synthesis of Macroscopic Single Crystals of Ge2Sb2Te5 via Single-Shot Femtosecond Optical Excitation", M. Zajac, A. Sood, R. Kim, M. Mo, M. Kozina, S.Park, X. Shen, B. Guzelturk, M. Lin, J. Yang, S. Weathersby, X. Wang, A. Lindenberg, Crystal Growth and Design, 20, 6660 (2020). 

90. "Bulk and nanocrystalline cesium lead halide perovskites as seen by halide magnetic resonance", L. Piveteau, M. Aebli, N. Yazdani, M. Millen, L. Korosec, F. Krieg, B. Benin, V. Morad, C. Piveteau, T. Shiroka, A. Comas-Vives, C. Copéret, A. Lindenberg, V. Wood, R. Verel, M. Kovalenko, ACS Central Science 6, 1138 (2020).

89. "A High-Power, High-Repetition Rate THz Source for Pump-Probe Experiments at Linac Coherent Light Source II," Z. Zhang, A.S. Fisher, M.C. Hoffmann, B. Jacobson, P.S. Kirchmann, W.-S. Lee, A.M. Lindenberg, A. Marinelli, E. Nanni, R. Schoenlein, M. Qian, S. Sasaki, J. Xu and Z. Huang, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 27, 890 (2020). 

88. "Berry curvature memory through electrically driven stacking transitions", Jun Xiao, Ying Wang, Hua Wang, C. D. Pemmaraju, Siqi Wang, Philipp Muscher, Edbert J. Sie, Clara M. Nyby, Thomas P. Devereaux, Xiaofeng Qian, Xiang Zhang, Aaron M. Lindenberg. Nature Physics, 16, 1028 (2020). Stanford News Release: "Storing data in 2D metals." Materials Today article: "Misaligned 2D materials offer novel form of computer memory."

87. "Visualizing energy transfer at buried interfaces in layered materials using picosecond x-rays", Clara Nyby, Aditya Sood, Peter Zalden, Alexander J. Gabourier, Philipp Muscher, Daniel Rhodes, Ehren Mannebach, Jeff Corbett, Apurva Mehta, Eric Pop, Tony F. Heinz, Aaron M. Lindenberg. Advanced Functional Materials, 30, 2002282 (2020). Link.

86. "Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Colloidal Gold Nanocrystals Monitored by Ultrafast Electron Diffraction and Optical Scattering Microscopy," Burak Guzelturk, James K. Utterback, Igor Coropceanu, Vlad Kamysbayev, Eric M. Janke, Marc Zajac, Nuri Yazdani, Benjamin L. Cotts, SuJi Park, Aditya Sood, Ming-Fu Lin, Alexander H. Reid, Michael E. Kozina, Xiaozhe Shen, Stephen P Weathersby, Vanessa Wood, Alberto Salleo, Xijie Wang, Dmitri V. Talapin, Naomi S. Ginsberg, Aaron M. Lindenberg. ACS Nano 14, 4792 (2020).

85. "Light-Induced Currents at Domain Walls in Multiferroic BiFeO3," Burak Guzelturk, Antonio Mei, Lei Zhang, Liang Tan, Patrick Donahue, Anisha Singh, Darrell Schlom, Lane Martin, Aaron Lindenberg, Nano Lett., 20, 145 (2020).

84. "Femtosecond X-ray diffraction reveals a liquid-liquid phase transition in phase-change materials", P. Zalden, F. Quirin, M. Schumacher, J. Siegel, S. Wei, A. Koc, M. Nicoul, M. Trigo, P. Andreasson, H. Enquist, M. Shu, T. Pardini, M. Chollet, D. Zhu, H. Lemke, I. Ronneberger, J. Larsson, A. M. Lindenberg, H. E. Fischer, S. Hau-Riege, D. A. Reis, R. Mazzarello, M. Wuttig, and K. Sokolowski-Tinten, Science 364, 1062 (2019). Science Perspective: "Catching structural transitions in liquids." SLAC Highlight: "A quick liquid flip helps explain how morphing materials store information."

83. "Anisotropic structural dynamics of monolayer crystals revealed by femtosecond surface x-ray scattering," I-C. Tung, A. Krishnamoorthy, S. Sadasivam, H. Zhou, Q. Zhang, K.L. Seyler, G. Clark, E.M. Mannebach, C Nyby, F. Ernst, D. Zhu, J.M. Glownia, M.E. Kozina, S. Song, S. Nelson, H. Kumazoe, F. Shimojo, R.K. Kalia, P. Vashishta, P. Darancet, T.F. Heinz, A. Nakano, X. Xu, A.M.Lindenberg, H. Wen, Nature Photonics 13, 425 (2019) SLAC Highlight: "A new way to watch atoms move in a single atomic sheet." 

82. "Recording interfacial currents on the sub-nanometer length and femtosecond time scale by terahertz emission," E. Y. Ma, B. Guzelturk, G. Li, L. Cao, Z.-X. Shen, A. M. Lindenberg, T. F. Heinz, Science Advances 5, eaau0073 (2019). SLAC highlight: "First direct view of an electron’s short, speedy trip across a border." 

81. "An ultrafast symmetry switch in a Weyl semimetal," Edbert J. Sie, Clara M. Nyby, C. D. Pemmaraju, Su Ji Park, Xiaozhe Shen, Jie Yang, Matthias C. Hoffmann, B. K. Ofori-Okai, Renkai Li, Alexander H. Reid, Stephen Weathersby, Ehren Mannebach, Nathan Finney, Daniel Rhodes, Daniel Chenet, Abhinandan Antony, Luis Balicas, James Hone, Thomas P. Devereaux, Tony F. Heinz, Xijie Wang, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Nature, 565, 61 (2019). Nature News and Views: "Topological properties controlled by light."  SLAC highlight: "SLAC/Stanford team discovers new way of switching exotic properties on and off in topological material." Physics World summary: "Topological quantum materials switch up a gear." 

80. "Terahertz-based sub-femtosecond metrology of relativistic electron beams", R. K. Li, M. C. Hoffmann, E. A. Nanni, S. H. Glenzer, M.E. Kozina, A. M. Lindenberg, B. K. Ofori-Okai, A. H. Reid, X. Shen, S. P. Weathersby, J. Yang, M. Zajac, X. J. Wang, Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams, 22, 012803 (2019). 

79. "A terahertz pump mega-electron-volt ultrafast electron diffraction probe apparatus at the SLAC Accelerator Structure Test Area facility", B.K. Ofori-Okai, M.C. Hoffmann, A.H. Reid, S. Edstrom, R.K. Jobe, R. Li, E.M. Mannebach, S.J. Park, W. Polzin, X. Shen, S.P. Weathersby, J. Yang, Q. Zheng, M. Zajac, A.M. Lindenberg, S.H. Glenzer, and X.J. Wang, Journal of Instrumentation, 13, P06014 (2018). 

78. "Atomic-scale imaging of ultrafast materials dynamics", David J. Flannigan and Aaron M. Lindenberg, MRS Bulletin (Special issue on Ultrafast Imaging of Materials Dynamics, Guest Editors) 43, 485 (2018). 

77. "Anharmonicity of the vibrational modes of phase-change materials: A far-infrared, terahertz, and Raman study", K. Shportko, P. Zalden, A.M. Lindenberg, R. Ruckamp, and M. Gruninger, Vibrational Spectroscopy 95, 51 (2018). 

76. "Terahertz Emission from Hybrid Perovskites Driven by Ultrafast Charge Separation and Strong Electron-Phonon Coupling", Burak Guzelturk, Rebecca A. Belisle, Matthew D. Smith, Karsten Bruening, Rohit Prasanna, Yakun Yuan, Venkatraman Gopalan, Christopher J. Tassone, Hemamala I. Karunadasa, Michael D. McGehee, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Advanced Materials, 30 1704737 (2018). (back cover article). SLAC Highlight: "Study Reveals New Insights into How Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells Work."

75. "Ultrafast electric field pulse control of giant temperature change in ferroelectrics," Y. Qi, S. Liu, A. M. Lindenberg, and A. M. Rappe, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 055901 (2018).

74. "Dynamic optical tuning of interlayer interactions in the transition metal dichalcogenides", E. M. Mannebach, C. Nyby, F. Ernst, Y. Zhou, J. Tolsma, Y. Li, M. Sher, I-C Tung, H. Zhou, Q. Zhang, K.L. Seyler, G. Clark, Y. Lin, D. Zhu, J.M. Glownia, M.E. Kozina, S. Song, S. Nelson, A. Mehta, Y. Yu, A. Pant, O. Aslan, A. Raja, Y. Guo, A. DiChiara, W. Mao, L. Cao, S. Tongay, J. Sun, D.J. Singh, T.F. Heinz, X. Xu, A.H. MacDonald, E. Reed, H. Wen, A.M. Lindenberg, Nano Lett. 17, 7761 (2017). 

73. "Structural imaging of nanoscale phonon transport in ferroelectrics excited by metamaterial-enhanced terahertz fields", Yi Zhu, Frank Chen, Joonkyu Park, Kiran Sasikumar, Bin Hu, Anoop R. Damodaran, Il Woong Jung, Matthew J. Highland, Zhonghou Cai, I-Cheng Tung, Donald A. Walko, John W. Freeland, Lane W. Martin, Subramanian K. R. S. Sankaranarayanan, Paul G. Evans, Aaron M. Lindenberg, and Haidan Wen, Phys. Rev. Materials (Rapid Commun.) 1, 060601 (2017). 

72. "Light-induced picosecond rotational disordering of the inorganic sublattice in hybrid perovskites", X. Wu, L. Z. Tan, X. Shen, T. Hu, K. Miyata, M. Tuan Trinh, R. Li, R. Coffee, S. Liu, D.A. Egger, I. Makasyuk, Q. Zheng, A. Fry, J.S.Robinson, M.D. Smith, B. Guzelturk, H.I. Karunadasa, X. Wang, X.-Y. Zhu, L. Kronik, A.M. Rappe, A.M. Lindenberg, Science Advances, 3:e1602388 (2017). SLAC Highlight: "Atomic Movies May Help Explain Why Perovskite Solar Cells Are More Efficient." IEEE Spectrum writeup: "Atomic Movies Offer Insights Into More Efficient Perovskites." Chemistry World highlight: "Molecular movie exposes perovskite solar cell’s inner workings." Scientific American highlight: "Molecular Movie Reveals Inner Workings of New Solar Cells". 

71. "Structural Origins of Broadband Emission from Layered Pb–Br Hybrid Perovskites", Matthew D. Smith, Adam Jaffe, Emma R. Dohner, Aaron M. Lindenberg, and Hemamala I. Karunadasa, Chem. Sci. 8, 4497 (2017). 

70. "Visualization of atomic-scale motions in materials via femtosecond x-ray scattering techniques", A.M. Lindenberg, S.L. Johnson, D.A. Reis, Annual Review of Materials Research, 47, 15 (2017).

69. "Engineering the structural and electronic phases of MoTe2 through W substitution", D Rhodes, DA Chenet, BE Janicek, C Nyby, Y Lin, W Jin, D Edelberg, E Mannebach, N Finney, A Antony, T Schiros, T Klarr, A Mazzoni, M Chin, Y Chiu, W Zheng, QR Zhang, F Ernst, JI Dadap, X Tong, J Ma, R Lou, S Wang, T Qian, H Ding, RM Osgood Jr, DW Paley, AM Lindenberg, PY Huang, AN Pasupathy, M Dubey, J Hone, L Balicas, Nano Lett., 17, 1616 (2017). 

68. "Ultrafast light-induced symmetry changes in single BaTiO3 nanowires", Yi-Hong Kuo, Sanghee Nah, Kai He, Te Hu, and Aaron M. Lindenberg, J. Mater. Chem. C, 5, 1522 (2017). 

67. "2D Materials Advances: From Large Scale Synthesis and Controlled Heterostructures to Improved Characterization Techniques, Defects and Applications," Zhong Lin, Amber McCreary, Natalie Briggs, Shruti Subramanian, Kehao Zhang, Yifan Sun, Xufan Li, Nicholas J. Borys, Hongtao Yuan, Susan K. Fullerton-Shirey, Alexey Chernikov, Hui Zhao, Stephen McDonnell, Aaron M Lindenberg, Kai Xiao, Brian J LeRoy, Marija Drndić, James C. M. Hwang, Jiwoong Park, Manish Chhowalla, Raymond E. Schaak, Ali Javey, Mark C Hersam, Joshua Robinson, Mauricio Terrones, 2D Materials 3, 042001 (2016). 

66. "Ultrafast terahertz-field-driven ionic response in ferroelectric BaTiO3," F. Chen, Y. Zhu, S. Liu, Y. Qi, H.Y. Hwang, N.C. Brandt, J. Lu, F. Quirin, H. Enquist, P. Zalden, T. Hu, J. Goodfellow, M.-J. Sher, M.C. Hoffmann, D. Zhu, H. Lemke, J. Glownia, M. Chollet, A. R. Damodaran, J. Park, Z. Cai, I.W. Jung, M.J. Highland, D.A. Walko, J. W. Freeland, P.G. Evans, A. Vailionis, J. Larsson, K.A. Nelson, A.M. Rappe, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, L. W. Martin, H. Wen, and A.M. Lindenberg, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Commun.) 94, 180104(R) (2016) (Editors Suggestion). 

65. "Picosecond electric-field-induced threshold switching in phase-change materials", Peter Zalden, Michael J. Shu, Frank Chen, Xiaoxi Wu, Yi Zhu, Haidan Wen, Scott Johnston, Zhi-Xun Shen, Patrick Landreman, Mark Brongersma, Scott W. Fong, H.-S.Philip Wong, Meng-Ju Sher, Peter Jost, Matthias Kaes, Martin Salinga, Alexander von Hoegen, Matthias Wuttig, and Aaron Lindenberg, Phys. Rev. Lett., 117, 067601 (2016). APS Physics Research Highlight: "Ultrafast Switching in a Phase-Change Material"  Stanford highlight: "Stanford-led experiments point toward memory chips 1,000 times faster than today’s." 

64. "The origin of incipient ferroelectricity in lead telluride" M.P. Jiang, M. Trigo, S. Fahy, É.D. Murray, I. Savić, C. Bray, J. Clark, T. Henighan, M. Kozina, M. Chollet, J.M. Glownia, M. Hoffmann, D. Zhu, O. Delaire, A.F. May, B.C. Sales, A.M. Lindenberg, P. Zalden, T. Sato, R. Merlin, D.A. Reis, Nat. Commun. 7, 12291 (2016). 

63. "Mechanism for broadband white-light emission from two-dimensional (110) hybrid perovskites," T. Hu, M.D. Smith, E. Dohner, M.J. Sher, X. Wu, M. Trinh, A. Fisher, J. Corbett, X.-Y. Zhu, H. Karunadasa, A.M. Lindenberg, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 7, 2258 (2016). 

62. "A Bismuth-Halide Double Perovskite with Long Carrier Recombination Lifetime for Photovoltaic Applications", A. Slavney, T. Hu, A.M. Lindenberg, and H. Karunadasa, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138, 2138 (2016). 

61. "Transient terahertz photoconductivity measurements of minority-carrier lifetime in tin sulfide thin films: Advanced metrology for an early-stage photovoltaic material", R. Jaramillo, Meng-Ju Sher, Benjamin K. Ofori-Okai, V. Steinmann, Chuanxi Yang, Katy Hartman, Keith A. Nelson, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Roy G. Gordon & T. Buonassisi, J. Appl. Phys. 119, 035101 (2016). 

60. "Time-and-temperature-independent local carrier mobility and effects of regioregularity in polymer-fullerene organic semiconductors", Meng-Ju Sher, Jonathan A. Bartelt, Timothy M. Burke, Alberto Salleo, Michael D. McGehee, and Aaron M. Lindenberg, Adv. Electron. Mater., 2016 1500351; DOI: 10.1002/aelm.201500351, (2016). 

59. "Ultrafast terahertz gating of the polarization and giant nonlinear optical response in BiFeO3 thin films," F. Chen, J. Goodfellow, S. Liu, I. Grinberg, M. C. Hoffmann, A.R. Damodaran, Y. Zhu, X. Zhang, I. Takeuchi, A. Rappe, L.W. Martin, H. Wen, A.M. Lindenberg, Advanced Materials, 27, 6371 (2015). 

58. "Dynamic structural response and deformations of monolayer MoS2 visualized by femtosecond electron diffraction", Ehren M. Mannebach, Renkai Li, Karel-Alexander Duerloo, Clara Nyby, Peter Zalden, Theodore Vecchione, Friederike Ernst, Alexander Hume Reid, Tyler Chase, Xiaozhe Shen, Stephen Weathersby, Carsten Hast, Robert Hettel, Ryan Coffee, Nick Hartmann, Alan R. Fry, Yifei Yu, Linyou Cao, Tony Heinz, Evan J. Reed, Hermann A. Dürr, Xijie Wang, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Nano Lett., 15, 6889 (2015).  SLAC Press Release: "SLAC’s Ultrafast ‘Electron Camera’ Visualizes Ripples in 2-D Material." 

57. "How supercooled liquid phase-change materials crystallize: Snapshots after femtosecond optical excitation," Peter Zalden, Alexander von Hoegen, Patrick Landreman, Matthias Wuttig, and Aaron M. Lindenberg, Chemistry of Materials 27, 5641 (2015). 

56. "Mega-electron-volt ultrafast electron diffraction at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory," S. P. Weathersby, G. Brown, M. Centurion, T. F. Chase, R. Coffee, J. Corbett, J. P. Eichner, J. C. Frisch, A. R. Fry, M. Guehr, N. Hartmann, C. Hast, R. Hettel, R. K. Jobe, E. N. Jongewaard, J. R. Lewandowski, R. K. Li, A. M. Lindenberg, I. Makasyuk, J. E. May, D. McCormick, M. N. Nguyen, A. H. Reid, X. Shen, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, T. Vecchione, S. L. Vetter, J. Wu, J. Yang, H. A. Durr, and X. J. Wang, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 86, 073702 (2015). 

55. "THz induced selective catalytic CO oxidation on Ru", Jerry L. LaRue, Tetsuo Katayama, Aaron Lindenberg, Alan S. Fisher, Henrik Öström, Anders Nilsson, and Hirohito Ogasawara, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 036103 (2015).  APS Physics Research highlight: "Terahertz-driven chemistry

54. "Visualization of nanocrystal breathing modes at extreme strains", E. Szilagyi, J.S. Wittenberg, T.A. Miller, K. Lutker, F. Quirin, H. Lemke, D. Zhu, M. Chollet, J. Robinson, H. Wen, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, and A.M. Lindenberg, Nat. Commun., 6, 6577 (2015) 

53. "Color switching with enhanced optical contrast in ultrathin phase-change materials and semiconductors induced by femtosecond laser pulses", F.F. Schlich, P. Zalden, A.M. Lindenberg, R. Spolenak, ACS Photonics, 2 178 (2015). 

52. "Ultrafast electronic and structural response of monolayer MoS2 under intense photoexcitation conditions," E.M. Mannebach, K.N. Duerloo, L.A. Pellouchoud, M. Sher, S. Nah, Y. Kuo, Y. Yu, A. Marshall, L. Cao, E.J. Reed, A.M. Lindenberg, ACS Nano, 8, 10734 (2014).

51. "Room Temperature Stabilization of Nanoscale Superionic Ag2Se", T. Hu, J.S. Wittenberg, A.M. Lindenberg, Nanotechnology, 25, 415705 (2014).

50. "Reversible optical switching of infrared antenna resonances with ultrathin phase-change layers using femtosecond laser pulses", Ann-Katrin U. Michel, Peter Zalden, Dmitry N. Chigrin, Matthias Wuttig, Aaron M. Lindenberg, and Thomas Taubner, ACS Photonics, 1, 833 (2014). Nature Photonics Research highlight: "Phase-change control." 

49. "Ultrafast polarization response of an optically-trapped single ferroelectric nanowire", S. Nah, Y. Kuo, F. Chen, J. Park, R. Sinclair, A.M. Lindenberg. Nano Lett., 14, 4322 (2014).

48. "Picosecond carrier recombination dynamics in chalcogen-hyperdoped silicon", M. Sher, C.B. Simmons, J.J. Krich, A.J. Akey, M.T. Winkler, D. Recht, T. Buonassisi, M.J. Aziz, A.M. Lindenberg, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 053905 (2014).

47. "Below gap optical absorption in GaAs driven by intense, single-cycle coherent transition radiation", J. Goodfellow, M. Fuchs, D. Daranciang, S. Ghimire, F. Chen, H. Loos, D. Reis, A.S. Fisher, A.M. Lindenberg, Opt. Express 22, 17423 (2014).

46. "Ultrafast terahertz-induced response of GeSbTe phase-change materials", M. Shu, P. Zalden, F. Chen, B. Weems, I. Chatzakis, F. Xiong, R. Jeyasingh, M. Hoffmann, E. Pop, H.-S.P. Wong, M. Wuttig, A.M. Lindenberg, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 251907 (2014).

45. "Measurement of transient atomic displacements in thin films with picosecond and femtometer resolution", M. Kozina, T. Hu, J.S. Wittenberg, E. Szilagyi, M. Trigo, T.A. Miller, C. Uher, A. Damodaran, L. Martin, A. Mehta, J. Corbett, J. Safranek, D.A. Reis and A.M. Lindenberg, Struct. Dyn. 1, 034301 (2014).

44. "Real-time visualization of nanocrystal solid-solid transformation pathways", J.S. Wittenberg, T.A. Miller, E. Szilagyi, K. Lutker, F. Quirin, W. Lu, H. Lemke, D. Zhu, M. Chollet, J. Robinson, H. Wen, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, A.P. Alivisatos, A.M. Lindenberg. Nano Lett., 14, 1995 (2014).

43. "Fourier-transform inelastic X-ray scattering from time and momentum dependent phonon-phonon correlations", M. Trigo, M. Fuchs, J. Chen, M. P. Jiang, M. Cammarata, S. Fahy, D. M. Fritz, K. Gaffney, S. Ghimire, A. Higginbotham, S. L. Johnson, M. E. Kozina, J. Larsson, H. Lemke, A. M. Lindenberg, G. Ndabashimiye, F. Quirin, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, C. Uher, J. S. Wark, D. Zhu, and D. A. Reis, Nat. Phys. 9, 790 (2013).

42. "High-pressure Raman spectroscopy of phase change materials", W. Hsieh, P. Zalden, M. Wuttig, A.M. Lindenberg and W.L. Mao, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 191108 (2013).

41. "Ultrafast sub-threshold photo-induced response in crystalline and amorphous GeSbTe thin films," M. J. Shu, I. Chatzakis, Y. Kuo, P. Zalden, A. M. Lindenberg, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 201903 (2013).

40. "Intense THz pulses from SLAC electron beams using coherent transition radiation", Z. Wu, A.S. Fisher, J. Goodfellow, M. Fuchs, D. Daranciang, M. Hogan, H. Loos, A.M. Lindenberg, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 84, 022701 (2013).

39. "The mechanism of ultrafast structural switching in superionic copper (I) sulfide nanocrystals", T.A. Miller, J.S. Wittenberg, H. Wen, S. Connor, Y. Cui, A.M. Lindenberg, Nat. Commun. 4:1369 (2013).

38. "Ultrafast photovoltaic response in ferroelectric nanolayers", Dan Daranciang, Matthew J. Highland, Haidan Wen, Steve M. Young, Nathaniel C. Brandt, Harold Y. Hwang, Michael Vattilana, Matthieu Nicoul, Florian Quirin, John Goodfellow, Tingting Qi, Ilya Grinberg, David M. Fritz, Marco Cammarata, Diling Zhu, Henrik T. Lemke, Donald A. Walko, Eric M. Dufresne, Yuelin Li, Jörgen Larsson, David A. Reis, Klaus Sokolowski-Tinten, Keith A. Nelson, Andrew M. Rappe, Paul H. Fuoss, G. Brian Stephenson and Aaron M. Lindenberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 087601 (2012).

37. "Observations of laser-induced magnetization dynamics in Co/Pd multilayers with coherent x-ray scattering", B. Wu, D. Zhu, Y. Acremann, T.A. Miller, A.M. Lindenberg, O. Hellwig, J. Stohr, A. Scherz, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 252505 (2011).

36. "Single-cycle terahertz pulses with >0.2 V/Å field amplitudes via coherent transition radiation", Dan Daranciang, John Goodfellow, Matthias Fuchs, Haidan Wen, Shambhu Ghimire, David A. Reis, Henrik Loos, Alan S. Fisher, and Aaron M. Lindenberg, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 141117 (2011).

35. "Observation of transient structural-transformation dynamics in a Cu2S nanorod", H. Zheng, J.B. Rivest, T.A. Miller, B. Sadtler, A.M. Lindenberg, M.F. Toney, L-W. Wang, C. Kisielowski, A.P. Alivisatos, Science 333, 206 (2011). 

34. "Light-Induced Modulation of Ferroelectric Polarization Probed Using Time-Resolved X-Ray Scattering", D. Daranciang, H. Wen, M. Highland, B. Perkins, N. Brandt, K. Nelson, J. Larsson, D. Walko, E. Dufresne, P. Fuoss, G.B. Stephenson, and A.M. Lindenberg, Ultrafast Phenomena XVII: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference (2010). 

33. "Ultrafast Conversions of Hydrogen-Bonded Structures in Liquid Water Observed via Femtosecond Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy", N. Huse, H. Wen, H. Cho, T. Kim, R.W. Schoenlein, and A.M. Lindenberg, Ultrafast Phenomena XVII: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference (2010). 

32. "High-speed all-optical terahertz polarization switching by a transient plasma phase modulator", H. Wen, D. Daranciang, A.M. Lindenberg, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96 161103 (2010). 

31. "Ultrafast conversions between hydrogen bonded structures in liquid water observed by femtosecond x-ray spectroscopy", H. Wen, N. Huse, R.W. Schoenlein and A.M. Lindenberg, J. Chem. Phys. 131, 234505 (2009).  

30. "Ultrafast electron cascades driven by intense femtosecond THz pulses" H. Wen, M. Wiczer and A.M. Lindenberg, Ultrafast Phenomena XVI: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference, Edited by P. Corkum, S. De Silvestri, K.A. Nelson and E. Riedle (2009). 

29. "Coherent THz polarization control through manipulation of electron trajectories", H. Wen and A.M. Lindenberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 023902 (2009). 

28. "Probing the hydrogen-bond network of water via time-resolved soft x-ray spectroscopy", N. Huse, H. Wen, D. Nordlund, E. Szilagyi, D. Daranciang, T.A. Miller, A. Nilsson, R.W. Schoenlein, and A.M. Lindenberg, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,11, 3951 (2009) (cover article). 

27. "Ultrafast electron cascades in semiconductors driven by intense femtosecond THz pulses" H. Wen, M. Wiczer, and A.M. Lindenberg, Phys. Rev. B, 78 125203 (2008).

26. "X-ray diffuse scattering measurements of nucleation dynamics at femtosecond resolution", A.M. Lindenberg, S. Engemann, K. Gaffney, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, J. Larsson P.B. Hillyard et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 100, 135502 (2008).

25. "Formation of secondary electron cascades in single-crystalline plasma-deposited diamond upon exposure to femtosecond x-ray pulses", M. Gabrysch, E. Marklund, J. Hajdu, D.J. Twitchen, J. Rudati, A.M. Lindenberg et al., J. Appl. Phys., 103, 064909 (2008).

24. "Femtosecond x-ray diffuse scattering measurements of semiconductor ablation dynamics", A.M. Lindenberg et al., Proc. of SPIE, High-Power Laser Ablation VII 7005, 04 (2008). 

23. "Measurement of high-field THz-induced photocurrents in semiconductors", M. Wiczer and A.M. Lindenberg, Journal of Undergraduate Research, Vol. 8 (2008).

22. "Ultrafast x-ray scattering in solids", D.A. Reis and A.M. Lindenberg, in Light Scattering in Solids IX, Edited by M. Cardona and R. Merlin, (2007).

21. "Carrier-density-dependent lattice stability in InSb", P.B. Hillyard, K.J. Gaffney, A.M. Lindenberg, S. Engemann, R.A. Akre, J. Arthur et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 98, 125501 (2007).

20. "Ultrafast bond softening in Bismuth: Mapping a solids interatomic potential with x-rays", D.M. Fritz, D.A. Reis, B. Adams, R.A. Akre, J. Arthur, C. Blome et al., Science 315, 633 (2007).

19. "Large acoustic transients induced by non-thermal melting of InSb", H. Enquist, H. Navarian, T.N. Hansen, A.M. Lindenberg, P. Sondhauss, O. Synnergren et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 225502 (2007).

18. "Ultrafast optical and x-ray measurements of femtosecond lattice dynamics in photoexcited Bismuth", D.M. Fritz, B. Adams, C. Blome, P.H. Bucksbaum, A.L. Cavalieri, S. Engamann et al., Ultrafast Phenomena XV: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference, Edited by P. Corkum, A.M. Weiner, R.J. Miller, D. Jonas" (2006).

17. "Carrier dependent stability of a semiconductor lattice measured with femtosecond x-ray diffraction", K.J. Gaffney, P.B. Hillyard, A.M. Lindenberg, S. Engemann, A. Deb, D.A. Meyer, Ultrafast Phenomena XV: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference, Edited by P. Corkum, A.M. Weiner, R.J. Miller, D. Jonas", (2006).

16. "Atomic-scale visualization of inertial dynamics," A. M. Lindenberg, J. Larsson, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, K. J. Gaffney, C. Blome, O. Synnergren et al., Science, 308, 392, (2005).

15. "Time-resolved measurements of the structure of water at constant density," A.M. Lindenberg, Y. Acremann, D.P. Lowney, P.A. Heimann, T.K. Allison, T. Matthews et al., J. Chem. Phys., 122, 204507 (2005).

14. "Bonding in liquid Carbon studied by time-resolved x-ray absorption spectroscopy," S.L. Johnson, P.A. Heimann, A.G. MacPhee, A.M. Lindenberg, O.R. Monteiro, Z. Chang, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 94, 057407 (2005).

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11. "Observation of structural anisotropy and the onset of liquid-like motion during the non-thermal melting of InSb," K.J. Gaffney, A.M. Lindenberg, J. Larsson, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, C. Blome, O. Synnergren et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 95, 125701 (2005).

10. "Time-resolved x-ray diffraction study of the ferroelectric phase transition in DKDP", J. Larsson, P. Sondhauss, O. Synnergren, M. Harbst, P.A. Heimann, A.M. Lindenberg et al., Chem. Phys., 299, 157 (2004).

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8. "Ultrafast Lattice Dynamics", A.M. Lindenberg, in Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics, and Ultrafast Phenomena with X-rays, Edited by B.W. Adams (Kluwer, 2000).

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6. "Properties of liquid Silicon observed by time-resolved x-ray absorption spectroscopy", S.L. Johnson, P.A. Heimann, A.M. Lindenberg, H.O. Heschke, M.E. Garcia, Z. Chang, Phys. Rev. Lett., 91, 157403 (2003). 

5. "Coherent control of phonons probed by picosecond time-resolved x-ray diffraction," A.M. Lindenberg, I. Kang, S.L. Johnson, R.W. Falcone, P.A. Heimann, Z. Chang, Opt. Lett. 27, 869 (2002).

4. "Ultrafast x-ray diffraction of laser-irradiated crystals", P.A. Heimann, A.M. Lindenberg, I. Kang, S.L. Johnson, T. Missalla, P.A. Heimann, Z. Chang et al., Nucl. Inst. Meth. A, 467-468, 986-989 (2001). 

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1. "Ultrafast structural changes measured by time-resolved x-ray diffraction", J. Larsson, P.A. Heimann, A.M. Lindenberg, P.J. Schuck, P.H. Bucksbaum, R.W. Lee et al., Appl. Phys. A, 66, 587 (1998).