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MatSci326: X-ray Science and Techniques (Photon 326)

Course Description: This course provides an introduction to how x-rays interact with matter and how x-ray techniques can be used towards developing new understanding of the atomistic properties of materials. Topics include: Diffraction from ordered and disordered materials, x-ray diffuse scattering and inelastic techniques, and x-ray absorption/emission spectroscopy. X-ray sources including synchrotrons and free electron lasers. This course includes a parallel laboratory effort in which students will have an opportunity to carry out advanced x-ray experiments at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.

syllabus326.pdf (72.81 KB)

MSE142: Quantum Mechanics of Nanoscale Materials

Course Description: Introduction to quantum mechanics and its application to the properties of materials. No prior background beyond a working knowledge of calculus and high school physics is presumed. Topics include: The Schrodinger equation and applications to understanding of the properties of quantum dots, semiconductor heterostructures, nanowires, and bulk solids. Tunneling processes and applications to nanoscale devices; the scanning tunneling microscope, and quantum cascade lasers. Simple models for the electronic properties and band structure of materials including semiconductors, insulators, and metals, and applications to semiconductor devices. An introduction to quantum computing. Recommended: ENGR 50 or equivalent introductory materials science course. (Formerly 157)

syllabus142.pdf (51.37 KB)